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Sacha's visit

Introducing an 18-year-old to the USA

We begin

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Our eighteen-year-old nephew Sacha's visit to the Pacific Northwest was something we'd been looking forward to for a long time. It’s not every day that you get the chance to host family from across the pond, especially when that family member is at such a pivotal moment in his life.

Sacha has always held a special place in our hearts, and we’ve cherished watching him grow over the years. Seeing him now, not as the little boy who used to marvel at the simplest things, but as an ambitious young man on the cusp of adulthood, was both heartwarming and a little bittersweet.

The sweetness came from witnessing his excitement, his eagerness to embrace the next chapter of his life at Bristol University, and the pride we felt in seeing him ready to take on the world. But there was also a tinge of sadness, knowing that this visit marked a turning point—a transition from the familiar, where we could still see traces of the child he once was, to the unknown, where he would fully step into his own as an independent adult. It’s a natural progression, of course, but that didn’t make it any easier to reconcile the joy of his growth with the quiet longing for the days when he was still the little boy who looked up with wide-eyed wonder. This visit was a reminder that time marches on, and while we celebrate his journey, we also hold close the memories of the boy we knew before he became the remarkable young man standing before us.

The trip was as much about celebrating Sacha’s achievements as it was about sharing with him the beauty and culture of our home. Julia and I had been planning the itinerary for weeks, making sure we packed in a mix of iconic landmarks, natural wonders, and some of our personal favorite spots. We wanted to give Sacha a true taste of the Pacific Northwest—its diversity, its spirit, and its unique charm.

Portland and Washington Park

Our journey began in Portland, the vibrant heart of Oregon. Sacha, fresh off the plane and a bit jet-lagged, was immediately struck by the city’s energy, and as he put it: “How many American accents there are”.

Portland’s quirky vibe is something that captivates everyone in its own unique way, and Sacha was intrigued by it. We started with a leisurely stroll through Washington Park, a place that never fails to impress with its lush greenery and serene atmosphere.

The Rose Garden was in full bloom, a symphony of colors and fragrances that seemed to encapsulate the essence of summer. We wandered through the rows of meticulously cared-for roses, each one labeled with its name and variety, some with histories as rich as the city itself. Sacha was particularly taken by the sheer variety of roses, marveling at how such a diverse collection could thrive in one place. Julia and I couldn’t help but smile, watching him soak in the beauty that we’ve come to cherish over the years.

From there, we made our way to Pittock Mansion. The grandeur of the estate, perched on the hill with its commanding view of Portland and the surrounding mountains, offered Sacha a glimpse into the city’s past and a view of it today. Sacha, always the inquisitive one, was fascinated by the history of the Pittock family and how their legacy is intertwined with the development of Portland.

A Day of Kayaking in Scappoose and Mt. Tabor’s Scenic Views

Next on the agenda was something a bit more adventurous – kayaking in Scappoose. The idea of spending a day on the water excited Sacha, and we were more than happy to oblige. Scappoose Bay is one of those hidden gems that offers a perfect blend of tranquility and natural beauty. Paddling through the calm waters, with the sun shining and the landscape stretching out before us, felt like a true escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. And no, there are no moose in Scappoose.

Sacha took to kayaking like a natural. As we glided through the water, we chatted about his hopes for university life, his excitement about moving to Bristol, and his slight apprehensions about leaving home. It was one of those rare moments where you can sense someone is on the brink of change, and yet, they are fully present in the moment. Julia and I cherished this time, knowing that once Sacha heads off to university, these leisurely days might become a little less frequent.

After our kayaking adventure, we made our way to Mt. Tabor, a dormant volcanic cinder cone within the city. The hike to the top was invigorating, and the views from the summit were nothing short of spectacular. Portland lay spread out before us, a patchwork of urban and natural elements, all framed by the distant mountains.

Later that evening, Sacha received the email that would change everything—his acceptance into Bristol University. I will never forget the look of surprise and joy on his face when he told us about his acceptance. We celebrated right there with hugs and cheers.

Coastal Wonders: Cannon Beach and Fort Stevens State Park

No visit to Oregon would be complete without a trip to the coast, and Cannon Beach was the perfect destination. The iconic Haystack Rock stood tall against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, its base teeming with tide pools full of fascinating marine life. We spent the afternoon exploring the beach, dipping our toes in the cold Pacific waters, and simply taking in the breathtaking scenery.

Fort Stevens State Park, with its mix of history and natural beauty, was another highlight. The day ended at the mouth of the Columbia River, where the powerful meeting of river and ocean created a dynamic landscape that seemed almost otherworldly. Sacha was in awe of the sheer scale of it all, the vastness of the ocean stretching out before him, and the sense of history embedded in the land. It was his first time seeing the Pacific Ocean. One forgets that when you are 18 there are so many firsts in life to experience.

Long Beach, WA

Our adventures didn’t stop at the Oregon border. We took Sacha north to Long Beach, Washington, a charming coastal town with a laid-back atmosphere that was perfect for a day of relaxation. The beach itself, with its expansive sands and gentle waves, was ideal for a leisurely stroll. As we walked along the shore, we were treated to the sight of giant kites soaring high above the beach, their vibrant colors dancing against the backdrop of the cloudy sky. The sheer size and grace of the kites were mesmerizing, and we found ourselves stopping frequently just to watch them glide and twist in the wind. Sacha was particularly fascinated, his eyes following the kites as they dipped and swirled, adding a whimsical touch to our day by the sea.

However, the weather quickly reminded us of the Pacific Northwest’s unpredictability. What started as a cool, overcast day soon took a turn, with the wind picking up and the temperature dropping sharply, making it feel more like winter than late summer. We hadn’t dressed for the sudden chill, and soon found ourselves huddling together for warmth, our leisurely stroll turning into a brisk walk back to the car. The change in weather didn’t dampen our spirits, though – it added a bit of adventure to the day, reminding us of the wild, untamed nature of the coast.

As if the sudden shift in weather wasn’t enough, we discovered that the car had a flat tire when we reached our accommodation. It was one of those moments that could have easily turned the day sour, but instead, it became part of the adventure.

Providence Bridge Pedal

On our return to Portland, the Providence Bridge Pedal was another unique experience we enjoyed. This annual event in Portland allows cyclists to take over the city’s bridges, offering a perspective of the city that you can’t get any other way. We all participated, cycling across bridges with the wind in our hair and the city skyline as our backdrop. Sacha quickly found his rhythm and reveled in the novelty of the experience. It was a fantastic way to see the city and to be part of something that feels uniquely Portland.

Clackamas Rodeo and the Uyxat Native American Powwow

Taking Sacha to the Clackamas Rodeo was a fun and unique experience, especially since it was his first time attending a rodeo—and ours as well. The atmosphere was electric from the moment we arrived, with the smell of popcorn and BBQ in the air and country music playing in the background. Sacha was immediately captivated by the energy—the farm animals on display, the excitement in the crowd.

We spent some time exploring the fairgrounds, indulging in vegan fare while soaking in the lively atmosphere. Julia and I savored our plant-based dishes, enjoying the variety of flavors, while Sacha decided to try his first corn dog—a classic rodeo treat. Watching him take that first bite, curiosity written all over his face, was a fun moment. The contrast in our choices highlighted the diverse food culture at the fair, and it gave Sacha a fascinating glimpse into the many facets of American life. We all enjoyed the experience, with Sacha fully immersing himself in this unique slice of Americana.

We found our seats in the open-air grandstand. As the rodeo began, with competitors taking on bull riding, barrel racing, and roping, Sacha was on the edge of his seat, fully immersed in the lively, authentic American experience.

In contrast, our visit to the Uyxat Powwow Grounds offered Sacha a vibrant and equally loud experience, but in a more spiritual way. While the rodeo was full of excitement and competition, the powwow was a celebration of tradition and community, where the energy came from the deep connection between the dancers and their heritage. The dancers, adorned in ornate regalia of feathers, beads, and intricate patterns, moved in harmony with the powerful beat of the drums, creating an atmosphere that was both lively and reverent. This experience highlighted the rich cultural diversity of the region, leaving Sacha with a profound appreciation for the spiritual vibrancy and history of our Native American communities.

Silver Falls and the Columbia River Gorge

We dedicated a day to exploring Silver Falls, a state park known for its stunning waterfalls and lush forest trails. The Trail of Ten Falls is a must-do, and we weren’t about to miss it. Each waterfall we encountered seemed more impressive than the last, with the grand finale being the majestic South Falls. Walking behind the cascading water was a surreal experience, one that left us all feeling a little more connected to the natural world.

The Columbia River Gorge, with its dramatic cliffs and sweeping views, was another destination that left a lasting impression on Sacha. The Vista House at Crown Point, offering a panoramic view of the Columbia River Gorge, seemed to encapsulate the spirit of the entire trip. Standing there, looking out over the vast landscape, we reflected on the incredible journey we had shared so far.

We visited several waterfalls along the Historic Columbia River Highway, each one offering its own unique beauty. Latourell Falls, with its striking basalt columns, was a particular favorite. We also made stops at Shepperd's Dell, Bridal Veil, and, of course, Multnomah Falls, the tallest and most iconic of them all. Sacha was captivated by the power and beauty of these natural wonders, and we were thrilled to share these moments with him.

Lyle Cherry Orchard and Maryhill Museum of Art

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One of the most memorable moments during Sacha's visit was our hike on the Lyle Cherry Orchard Trail. This trail, with its sweeping views of the Columbia River Gorge and remnants of an old cherry orchard, offered a unique blend of natural beauty and historical significance. As we ascended the trail, the landscape opened up to reveal expansive vistas, with the Columbia River shimmering below us.

Reaching the summit was the highlight, where we were rewarded with a breathtaking panoramic view of the Gorge, showcasing both its arid eastern landscape and its lush green western scenery. The peacefulness of the moment, with the world spread out before us, led to deep conversations about Sacha’s upcoming journey to Bristol University and the changes ahead. The hike down was quicker but filled with a sense of contentment and connection, not just with the stunning surroundings, but with each other as well.

For a touch of culture, we took Sacha to the Maryhill Museum of Art. The unusually located museum, perched on an isolated and remote bluff overlooking the Columbia River, houses an eclectic collection that ranges from Native American artifacts to European art. Sacha, who is studying art history, was particularly drawn to the exhibits on the Native American tribes of the region. We spent hours wandering through the galleries, discussing the artworks and the stories they told. Sacha almost beat me at a game of chess too. Almost.

Timberline Lodge and Trillium Lake

Our visit to Timberline Lodge, located on the slopes of Mount Hood, was another highlight. The lodge, with its rustic charm and rich history, offered a glimpse into the region’s past. We took a tour of the building, marveling at the craftsmanship and the stunning views of the stupendous Mount Hood.

Our hike around Trillium Lake was another highlight of Sacha's visit, offering a serene escape into nature. Nestled at the base of Mount Hood, the lake's calm, mirror-like surface created a picture-perfect scene that felt almost surreal. The trail itself was an easy meandering loop, winding through dense forests of evergreens and opening up to stunning views of the lake at various points. As we walked, the peacefulness of the surroundings seemed to envelop us, the only sounds being the crunch of our footsteps on the trail and the occasional call of birds overhead.

We took our time, stopping frequently to take in the views and enjoy the tranquility that Trillium Lake is known for. Sacha, who had been busy with the excitement of exploring new places, seemed to appreciate the slower pace and the chance to simply be in the moment. We found a quiet spot along the shore to sit and watch the kayakers gliding across the water, their paddles barely disturbing the lake’s surface.

Timbers vs. Saint Louis

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Attending the soccer match between the Portland Timbers and Saint Louis was an unexpected highlight of Sacha’s visit, especially since Julia and I were surprised by the level of play in the United States. We had always associated top-tier soccer with European leagues, so witnessing the intensity and skill on display at Providence Park was a revelation. The stadium was buzzing with energy, filled with passionate fans decked out in green and gold, waving flags, and chanting in unison. The atmosphere was electric, and it was clear that soccer has a dedicated following here.

Sacha, a devoted soccer fan, was thrilled to be part of the action. He was impressed by the pace of the game and the technical ability of the players, frequently commenting on the strategic plays and standout performances on the field. Julia and I couldn’t help but get caught up in the excitement as well, finding ourselves cheering along with the crowd. The match was closely contested, with both teams showing remarkable skill and determination, and we were left with a newfound respect for American soccer. It was a memorable evening that not only entertained Sacha but also broadened our appreciation for the sport in a way we hadn’t expected.

Final Days and Farewells

As Sacha's visit came to an end, we spent our final days revisiting some of our favorite spots and simply enjoying each other's company. We knew that once he left for Bristol, our time together would be more limited, making these moments even more precious. We indulged in leisurely walks, had long conversations about his hopes for the future, played many board games, and shared quiet meals that allowed us to savor the time we had left.

As we anticipate saying goodbye at Paddington Station in England, the thought already feels bittersweet. While we're thrilled for Sacha and the exciting journey that lies ahead at Bristol University, there's a tinge of sadness knowing that this chapter is about to close. When the time comes to embrace him before he boards his train, we'll remind him that no matter where life takes him, he will always have a home with us in the Pacific Northwest. As Julia and I watch him disappear into the crowd at the station, we know we’ll feel a deep sense of pride in the remarkable young man he’s become. His visit not only strengthened our bond but also created memories that we will cherish forever, carrying them with us even as we say goodbye.


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