Briones Hike East Bay
Briones East Bay Hike
April 12, 2011
Hidden in plain sight is one of the East Bay's most enriching hikes.
Briones Regional Park offers long, ambling walks through grassy rolling hills,
dotted with oak trees. There are lovely views of distant towns, landmarks, and
neighboring parkland. This walk also has pleasant surprises like lagoons and
contrasting dense, damp woodland. Hawks, eagles, and turkey vultures soar and
circle above the canyons. Black-tailed deer love to munch on brush in the deeper
canyons. There are several small creeks lined with ferns and shrubs, and patches
of sun-loving wildflowers grow along most of the trails. The landscape changes
seasonally from summer gold to winter green, giving you a taste of California's
Spanish ranch past. If you want to be surrounded by ground squirrels, red-tailed
hawks, coyotes, coast-range fence lizards, California poppies, lupines, and
California's natural beauty, this is the hike for you.
Video of Briones Hike