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New Year



On the spur of the moment, Julia and I decided to embark on the long trek to the land of the Anglo-Saxons and all of Julia's relatives: lovingly known as old blighty, that's England, not Julia's relatives.

Once we crossed the vast continent of North America and the immense Atlantic Ocean, we touched down to be greeted by two of my favorite people: Mary and David. They had braved the ever-increasing English traffic to pluck us from the island of Heathrow to drive us to their fifteenth-century home in Kent. We were glad of this, as we had dared to travel at that crazy time of year when all go mad celebrating imaginary saviors by chopping down trees, wasting electricity, and overindulging in consumerism. This odd behavior manifests itself in England by the complete shutdown of all public and commercial transport from London's swampy airport. So many thanks to Mary and David, as we would still be stuck at Heathrow without their endurance and kindness.

Once entrenched in Canterbury, we began the process of overeating and drinking. The mass of the imaginary Christ brings out the gluttony in us all, it seems. Imagine a world where, at the end of each year, instead of chopping down trees, we planted them. Rather than installing extra lights, we turned lights off. As a substitute for giving senseless gifts, imagine if we instead gave our time to each other. In this imaginary world, we'd sure put a lot less carbon into the atmosphere. Alas, this is not our world.

Julia and I spent New Year's Eve with John and Jean, who had turned out a fine spread. Julia's brother Charles and his wife Edwina shared with us the indulgent food and drink, and we all greeted the New Year together. We did not forget our old acquaintances but rather strengthened new ones.

We journeyed from Kent, across sprawling massive London to Wiltshire, where I met, for the first time, Julia's uncle, Lawrence. He welcomed us and began at once to ply us with food and drink. I could feel my waistline expanding with every morsel. It was great to share in interesting conversations and to begin a new friendship.

Not far from Lawrence's village home are those famous and ancient piles of rocks known as Stonehenge. The last time I had visited them was in 1983. They had built a new visitor center and a paved road to the site, but the rocks themselves were as I remembered them. Perhaps covered with a little more moss, but then again, so was I.

We visited with old friends of Julia in London. One who lives there and one who lives in Miami just happened to be in London when we were. It was great to spend time with them both.

The company in Canterbury was great, as always. The food and drink were superb. And the hospitality shown by all was wonderful. Thank you all for looking after Julia and me so well.


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