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Calaveras Big Trees Sera Navadas

Visiting Friend and Hiking

Friday, September 28 to Sunday September 30, 2007

These trees are really big.

Julia and I left Oakland to spend the weekend with Holly, Claire, and Alex at their cabin in Arnold. Arnold is in Calaveras County which is a three hours drive from Oakland. On the way to the cabin Julia and I stopped for dinner at Murphys which is a little town near Arnold. We had a bit too much wine at dinner and got lost on the now dark road on our way to the cabin; but we made it in the end.

You have to love the California wilderness.

On the Saturday we all headed to the Calaveras Big Tree State Park which is close by to Arnold. Julia and I went for a six mile hike on the South Grove trail. It was a beautiful walk through this California forest filed with all kinds of conifer and giant sequoia trees.

Giant sequoias are magnificent trees and are truly inspiring. On Sunday we ate a yummy pancake breakfast and then stopped in at Murphys for lunch on our way home.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

From Julia: Margot's Murder Mystery - before David and Lawrie set off for Antarctica we all dressed up in 20s style to solve a complicated murder at Margot's speakeasy. Lawrie created a brilliant faux cigar for David's character made out of a paper grocery bag. This was extra impressive as he"d just got off a 15 hr flight from Australia.

Thanks for hosting a great party Margot and Todd.


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