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Destination Australia


Day Four

Man, I really hate sitting on airplanes for hours and hours and hours. Even though our stay in Hawaii was great and helped us move our biological clocks just a bit closer to our target time, nothing can make me feel good about long haul flights. What did I hate the most? Was it the baby crying hour after hour, or perhaps the young kid who threw up all over his mother and two complete strangers sitting next to him? Let me see, no, I think the worst of all are the hours of exposure to dry air and micro-vibrations while squished into a confined space; these are by far the worst things long haul flights have to offer. When we landed and the doors were opened, I could not restrain myself from bolting off this little airplane of horrors.

Of course, when we arrived in Sydney, it was raining. Of all the years I've been coming to this lovely city, almost every time I have arrived, it's been raining. Now, this could be just bad luck, except for the fact that all of my Sydney friends will swear up and down that it hardly ever rains in Sydney. Perhaps it's just selection bias; I'm not convinced.

It's tomorrow for me and today for you

We've landed on the shore where the skies are so blue

It's tomorrow for me and today for you

If we're lucky we might get to see a kangaroo

It's tomorrow for me and today for you

At the very least we'll see a cockatoo or two

It's tomorrow for me and today for you

Oh Sydney, Oh Sydney it's great to be here anew

It's tomorrow for me and today for you

It seems like a mix up, but aren't we too

Day Five

We slept like corpses last night after our little airplane of horrors flight yesterday and arose early, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. The air was cold, but the rain had gone, leaving behind a sunny blue sky. This enticed us out early to walk by the Sydney Opera House, then on to the Sydney Botanical Gardens. There we were greeted by cockatoos, birds, and plants of all shapes, colors, and sizes. What a lovely park it is.

We walked on to Darling Harbor where we ate a delicious lunch. After our fill, we boarded a state-run ferry boat and steamed to Cockatoo Island. This is the Alcatraz of Sydney Harbor. It was once a convict prison, a military shipyard, and now a National Park. It was eerie walking through the old buildings built by the forced labor of convicts so many years ago. After our visit to this odd island, we steamed on to Olympic Park far down the labyrinth of inlets and tributaries that make up the beauty of Sydney Harbor.

Later in the evening, we joined several old friends for a dinner of sushi and sake. Much reminiscing and chitchat went on into the late evening.

Years go by

And things do change

Faces age and pounds are gained

But friends remain the same

Hair gets thin

And wrinkled grins

But friends remain the same

When I look back at my time

I know that I'm the lucky one

As friends remain the same


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