Exploring Antarctica
A trip of a lifetime
Antarctica considered by many as one of the last
pristine regions on the Earth, and the most
inhospitable. It offers the adventurous traveler the
world's most magnificent wilderness, abundant
concentrations of wildlife, icebergs sculpted by the
sea, oceans covered by pack ice, mountains, vast snow
covered plains, mammoth glaciers, and other breathtaking
southern ocean surrounding Antarctica has a
profusion of wildlife that thrives in its nutrient-rich
waters. In the icy cold sea are
southern right, and
sei whales. Seabirds are also in abundance, from
albatross to
skuas, and
gulls. Several species of
true and
fur seals live there,
sea lions, and tens of thousands of
penguins await you.

Antarctic iceberg
Stored in the ancient polar icecap are
ice cores that hold answers to the world's past and
possible future climate. The Antarctic continent has
been bombarded by meteorites some from the Moon and even
Mars. These hold secrets from our universe. For example
inside one of the
Martian meteorites, scientists have discovered
evidence suggesting that life may once have flourished
on Mars.
But this is not a vacation for the faint of heart.
You will join expeditions landing in
Zodiacs on uninhabited frozen beaches. You will
cruise amid
ice floes and
icebergs. From your tiny rubber boat you will
quietly watch the antics of penguins, whales, seals, and
birds. Some days you will take short hikes, on a snow
covered world, that will give you a unique and priceless
feeling of discovery.

A penguin carrying its love rock
Some tours offer informative lectures and briefings
on the geology, history of Antarctic exploration, marine
mammals, ornithology, and other topics. Educators often
have vast experience with the polar regions and are able
to introduce many aspects of science during lectures,
field outings, and informal discussions.
Antarctica is not easy to get too. A route from San
Francisco might include Florida, Buenos Aires in
Argentina. All will depart from Ushuaia at the
southernmost tip of South America. From here the only
means of transportation is by ship. My tour joined the
M/V Ushuaia a very yare vessel. It was to be my home
while I sailed to, around, and back from the Antarctic.
In my next article we will leave the known world
behind us.
Exploring Antarctica, leaving the known world
Exploring Antarctica, is truly a trip of a lifetime.
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