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Doctor Julia Buss

On Saturday, October 1, 2011, Julia started her long and arduous studies to attain her PhD in Occupational Health Research.

She has spent 1,315 days working to learn, investigate, and conduct her research. On just about every one of these days, she has worked studiously from 7:00 until 4:00. This also translates to:

1,893,600 minutes

31,560 hours

187 weeks and 6 days

3 years, 7 months, and 7 days.

On Friday, May 8, 2015, she defended her dissertation before the public and her professors. She had prepared well and perfected her presentation. I know as I'd listened to it several times and watched it grow into a truly succinct and clear explanation of her research work. Her defense was completely successful and applauded by all in attendance.

Congratulations, Doctor Julia Buss!


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