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Exiting the USA

Our escape


A person wearing a mask in a airport

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Through the skies we soared, Julia and I, 

Leaving winter's grip and fires' relentless sigh. 

The inauguration's echo, a chapter now closed, 

A new beginning beckoned, as our hearts composed.


From the USA we bid the cold adieu, 

Chasing horizons where skies were blue. 

The plane's gentle hum a lullaby sweet, 

As Melbourne's sunshine drew us to its heartbeat.

A person wearing a hat and sunglasses on a beach

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No longer bound by winter's cold chains, 

Nor fires' rage, nor political refrains. 

To beaches golden, kissed by the sun, 

Where waves whispered, our journey begun.


Julia's smile mirrored the morning's first light, 

Our adventure started, taking flight. 

In Melbourne’s embrace, warmth found our souls, 

A dream unfurled, vibrant and whole.


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