The Cure
imagine there’s no religion
The story of my latest novel

Six years ago, Julia and I attended a party of fellow skeptics. Skeptics, like everyone else, enjoy a goodtime and a drink every now and then. Skeptics might not be enamored by virgin births or untestable emotional energies, but we do like a drink. At this vivacious gathering we were all chatting and sharing each other’s company when a thought popped into my mind: “what if there was no religion?” Perhaps I’d drunk just a little too much and was having just a little too much of an enjoyable time. However, after the thought manifested itself it never left me.

Six years later and my new novel “The Cure” is almost finished. It is in the final round of editing and polishing as I write this. During these last six years, I wrote other books and made several films, but that indelible thought would not leave me. It followed me about like a stalker prowling around in my mind occasionally surfacing and causing me to imagine a world where there was no religion. What would this world be like and more importantly what would we be like?
Although the thought never left me over this ocean of time I did fall in and out of love with the idea of writing this book. At times the task seemed simple and within reach and at other times it seemed a herculean chore and well outside my meager capabilities. But, I persisted and persevered. I fought hard against the many periods I grew overwhelmed by the endeavor, put the work away many times, but always I eventually came back to it a new.

This love-hate, on-off, relationship went on, and on, and on for the last six long years. Six years does seem like a very long time, but when you’re sixty years young it is surprising how fast time can pass.
At times I felt just like the character Jack Torrance from Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece film the Shinning. Isolated by my typewriter (computer) but endlessly busy writing, writing, and writing. In the film Jack was able to produce only: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” I hope my work is more substantial than this.
Do read it and let me know what you think.
Title: The Cure, imagine there’s no religion
Author: David Millett
ISBN-13: 978-1985265226
ISBN-10: 1985265222
BISAC Category: Fiction / Science Fiction / Genetic Engineering
Search Keywords: Religion, Truth, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, Theosophy
Web Site:
Throughout the known history of humanity, we have believed in supernatural beings. Archaeologists have found apparent intentional burial sites from as early as three hundred thousand years ago, which they have interpreted as evidence of religious ideas. At African sites, that date back to the Middle Stone Age, archaeologists have discovered symbolic artifacts, which also support the notion that humans were engaged in religious thinking.
Today most of the seven billion humans on our planet still believe in supernatural beings and stories. The more than two billion Christians and the nearly two billion Muslims are unmistakable evidence that our twenty-first-century world is as religious as it has ever been.
But what if there was no religion?
What if everyone used the scientific method of establishing truth?
What if human greed could be curtailed?
What would our world look like then?
This book “The Cure” explores these questions.