Human activity on the planet is a geological force, changing the climate and the oceans, reshaping the landscape, causing pollution, and driving mass extinctions. As a result, human civilization as we know it is facing its own demise. Can humans change the way we interact with the environment and change our future to avert disaster, or are we bound by our innate nature to continue as a destructive force?

Thank you for considering to host a screening. We think this film has an important message for people to hear and we appreciate your support in making this happen.

About the film:

Human activity on the planet is a geological force, changing the climate and the oceans, reshaping the landscape, causing pollution, and driving extinctions of other species. As a result, human civilization as we know it is facing its own demise. Can humans change the way we interact with the environment and change our future to avert disaster, or are we bound by our innate nature to continue as a destructive force?

You can see the movie on YouTube for free.

To host a screening of the film:

1. Contact us at:

2. Link to download the film poster

3. Individuals -- invite your friends, family, and colleagues

4. Community organizations -- invite your members and other people you'd like to reach out to in your local community.

5. You can mail invitations or use

6. After the film is over, you can facilitate a discussion to talk about issues raised in the film. Take the opportunity to talk with each other.

Some sample discussion questions include:

º How can your community share resources?

º What are ways to modify capitalism and the way we do business?

º What can you do as an individual to reduce human impacts on the planet?

º How can you join with others to facilitate your efforts to be more sustainable?

º Is there anything wrong with the way we consume?