“Adam: The son of man” is set in a not-too-distant future where Earth faces environmental collapse and severe overpopulation. A marvel of human endeavor: Eden Station orbits above the struggling Earth as a beacon of hope, transmitting vital power to the 16 billion people below.
Accompanying Adam on his journey of growth are Mary, a psychologist specializing in robotic minds, and Jud a war-scarred veteran harboring a deep mistrust of AI.
Adam also encounters Eve, Mat, and Jon, first-generation robots and the Quantum Orbital Dataset (Qod), a powerful supercomputer.
As Mary and Jud work to ready Adam for his role as commander of Eden Station, they confront profound personal connections and hidden traumas.
“Adam: The Son of Man” endeavors to explore the human condition through the eyes of a robot. It is a captivating narrative of personal growth, emotions, human existence, and the complex relationship between humans and our technology.